Little Learners Pre-School
Daycare Incorporated
CONTACT US: 07915064091
or 01484 717772
What we do
Following guidance from the Early Years
Foundation stage the majority of each
session will be child initiated and
therefore hard to predict. To give
parents/carers a flavour of how a session
might flow we have outlined a typical example below.
Both our infants and pre-school follow a similar pattern:
9.30am Meeting, greeting and registration: Exchanging information from parents/carers and settling children
9.40am Choose time: Children select their own activities from all the different areas e.g. construction, stand/water, creative, home corner, ICT etc...
10.30am Snack time: Our snack times are varied; sometimes we have a café style system where children are encouraged to access their own drinks/snack when they are ready for a short break.
Alternatively all groups join together, giving the children roles and responsibility and experience of larger groups. Snack time is enjoyed both inside and outside.
10.45am Choose time: Another opportunity for children to play in the areas of their choice. Throughout the day members of staff will be on duty outside for small groups of children to access our outdoor provision. In extreme weather conditions physical play equipment is set up outside.
11.30am Group time - Adult led group activity; and opportunity for story time, singing, games, early phonics, circle time etc..
12.00pm Lunch time: Time to eat a packed lunch from home - Ideal time for children to sit together with staff, practicing good eating and social skills (all children eat in the pre-school room)
1:00pm Our afternoon sessions follow a similar flow to the morning.
3.30pm Home time: Relaying information to parents/carers and saying bye to friends

How we meet the needs of individual children
The overall approach to children's learning and development is child centered with play underpinning all learning experiences. All staff follow the observing, assessing and planning cycle, to promote and enhance the children's learning, development and emotional well being. The continuous learning environment is planned in a way that children have space to access all areas of learning. The open shelving units allow children to self select resources enabling them to make choices, gain independence, practice ideas, concepts and skills through their free play. Throughout the year the continuous provision is adjusted to reflect children's individual needs, interest and learning potential, for example enhancements are added to reflect current interests, new toys and resources are purchased to challenge and motivate children to continually develop and learn.